(1) The Association shall be known as


Hereinafter referred to as “the Association”. Meaning of name :

(2) Meaning of name:

(3) Level : Lain-lain


1. The registered address is 


or at such other place as may from time to time be decided by the Committee; and  the postal address is 


2. The registered and postal addresses shall not be changed without the prior  approval of the Registrar of Societies. 


3.1 The Motto of the Guild shall be “Ke Arah Kecemerlangan Farmasi Komuniti”. 

3.2 The objectives of the Guild shall be related to the activities under Community  Pharmacy as below: 

3.2.1 To promote and protect the honour and interests of the community pharmacy  profession in the industrial matters. 

3.2.2 To enhance and uphold the professional standard and ethics of community  pharmacy practice. 

3.2.3 To protect and improve the interests, including the exclusive dispensing of  medicines, of the community pharmacists, in pursuance of existing legislation. 

3.2.4 To encourage and spearhead the advancement of pharmaceutical education  and pharmaceutical sciences through the publication of relevant professional  information and knowledge, particularly that which are related to the community  pharmacy practice. 

3.2.5 To represent the views of the members before the general public as well as in  any relevant Government Board or Statutory Authority or Institution. 

3.2.6 To affiliate and co-operate with any organization with similar objectives, as  may be deemed necessary to enhance the objectives of the Guild, by the Supreme  Council. 

3.2.7 To assist the country to enjoy better pharmaceutical cares through quality  pharmaceutical products and effective medication management. 

3.2.8 To monitor a proper distribution and sustainable growth of the community  pharmacies by collaborating with the relevant Government Authorities. 

3.2.9 To strengthen bona fide management of the community pharmacy, as  required by the Pharmacy Legislation. 

3.2.10 To improve pharmacists’ representation in the executive board and share  equity of the community pharmacies. 

3.2.11 Subject to other relevant provisions in this Constitution, to purchase, lease,  or build any building, premise or land for the purposes of the Guild. 

3.2.12 Subject to other relevant provisions in this Constitution, to enter into  contracts, acquire, purchase, take, hold and enjoy movable and immovable  property, or any rights therein and convey, assign, surrender, charge, mortgage,  reassign, transfer, dispose of or otherwise deal therewith, with the approval of the  General Meeting. 

3.2.13 Subject to other relevant provisions in this Constitution, to invest the funds of  the Guild as may be decided at a General Meeting. 

3.2.14 Subject to other relevant provisions in this Constitution, to represent all  community pharmacies to deal and negotiate with the Government on the collective  delivery of professional pharmacy services in Malaysia, and to sign and implement  the Agreement thereby created. 

3.2.15 Subject to other relevant provisions in this Constitution, to employ any  number of suitable and competent persons to execute and implement the Objectives, Agreement, Policy and other matters of the Guild. 


4.1 Ordinary membership: 

4.1.1 Ordinary membership shall be opened to every community pharmacist who is  registered as a pharmacist with the Pharmacy Board of Malaysia at the time of  application or any individual with at least one year working experience as a  community pharmacist. 

4.1.2 Ordinary membership shall also be opened to persons who hold pharmacy  qualifications, have Type A Licence, and are employed as community pharmacists  in the States of Sarawak, Sabah and Labuan Federal Territory. 

4.1.3 Ordinary members shall enjoy privileges, power, voting rights, rights to be  elected to the Supreme Council, rights to be appointed to represent the Guild in any  Statutory Board, public body and institution. 

4.2 Honorary Membership 

4.2.1 The Guild may confer Honorary Membership on such persons who, whether  or not registered in the Register of Pharmacists, have done exceptional work in the  fields of pharmacy and allied sciences or have rendered meritorious services in the  cause of pharmacy and associated sciences or to this Guild. Those persons shall  be nominated by the Supreme Council, subject to approval by a resolution at a  General Meeting. 

4.2.2 Honorary members shall be exempted from any payment of annual  membership subscription. 

4.2.3 Honorary members shall enjoy the privileges and powers of the ordinary  members except the right to vote, to be elected to the Supreme Council, and to be  appointed to represent the Guild in any Statutory Board, public body and institution.  

4.3 Life Membership 

4.3.1 Life membership shall be opened to any community pharmacist who, at the  time of application, is registered without any restriction whatsoever under the  existing Malaysian laws or any individual with at least one year working experience  as a community pharmacist. 

4.3.2 Life members shall pay a lump sum of RM2,000.00 which shall not be  refundable. 

4.3.3 Life members shall be entitled to the privileges, powers and voting rights, and  the rights to be appointed to represent the Guild, of the ordinary members provided  that the person is still attached to the community pharmacy practice. 

4.3.4 Life members shall be exempted, for life, from any payment of membership  annual subscriptions. 

4.4 Corporate Community Pharmacy Membership 

4.4.1 Any person, who is not a registered pharmacist, who owns thirty percents or  more share equity in a community pharmacy company may apply and complete  Membership Application Form B for Corporate Community Pharmacy Membership.  Documentary evidence of share equity such as Form 49 or relevant documents  shall be attached with the application form. 

4.4.2 A Chief Executive Officer of a community pharmacy company, who is not a  registered pharmacist, may apply and complete Membership Application Form B for  Corporate Community Pharmacy Membership. 

4.4.3 A Corporate Community Pharmacy Member shall pay an annual subscription  fee of RM1000.00. 

4.4.4 A Corporate Community Pharmacy Member shall enjoy the privileges and  powers of an ordinary member except the right to hold the position of the President,  Deputy President, Secretary, Treasurer, or Branch Chairman. 

4.5 Associate Membership  

4.5.1 Associate membership shall be opened to the following persons: (i) A student currently pursuing Pharmacy Degree course in any university. (ii) A Pharmacy Degree graduate who is undergoing Provisionally Registered  Pharmacist program.  

(iii) A Pharmacy Degree graduate who is interested in Community Pharmacy  practice.  

4.5.2 Associate members shall enjoy privileges similar to ordinary members Except  for: 

(i) voting rights,  

(ii) rights to be elected to the Supreme Council, or branch committee, (iii) rights to be appointed to represent the Guild in any Statutory Board, public body  and institution. 


4.6.1 Every application for membership, shall be proposed and seconded by two  ordinary members and, shall be submitted to the Honorary Secretary who, shall at  the first opportunity submit it to the Supreme Council for approval. The Supreme  Council may at its discretion approve or reject the application. The proposer and  seconder of the said rejected application may write to the Honorary Secretary,  within three months of the date of rejection, to obtain the reason for the rejection. 

4.6.2 All the membership application shall be made in the prescribed Membership  Application Form A or B. 

4.6.3 Every membership application shall be accompanied by the appropriate  membership subscription fee and entrance fee. 

4.6.4 All the fees made are non-returnable except in the case where the application  is rejected. The rejected applicant shall have all the fees returned without any  interests. 


4.7.1 Duties Acceptance of Membership shall be ipso facto acceptance of the  Constitution, Articles, Rules and By-Laws of the Guild. It shall be the duty of all the members, except Honorary Members, to  actively participate in all the activities of the Guild and to abide by the Constitutional  decisions of the Supreme Council. It is the duty of a member to pay all the subscription fees in time. Failure to  discharge this duty may result the membership being terminated It is the duty of a member to inform the Guild of any change in his/her corresponding address. 

4.7.2 Privileges Honorary members shall enjoy the privileges of the ordinary members  except that of voting, holding of office in the Supreme Council, and the rights to be  appointed to represent the Guild in any Statutory Board, public body and institution. All the members shall be entitled to receive publications, newsletters,  circulars or any other information disseminated by the Guild. Some special  publications may require some charges. All the members shall be entitled to the use of whatever facilities or services  of the Guild. Any member, whose membership has been terminated or suspended, shall  immediately cease to enjoy any privilege, right, power or entitlement normally enjoy  by a subsisting member. 


5.1 Termination of membership shall take place in any one or more of the following  ways: 

5.1.1 By clear intention expressed in writing to the Supreme Council to resign  membership for whatever cause, provided always, that such notice or resignation  be given at least one month in advance. 

5.1.2 Through failure to pay the annual subscription fee or annual practicing fee,  allowing it to become un-discharged debt, and did not settle the debt after a final  reminder, in writing, from the Honorary Treasurer. 

5.1.3 Automatically by reason of the name of the member being removed from the  Pharmacists’ Register maintained under the existing laws or by reason of the  demise of the member. 

5.1.4 By a majority opinion of the Supreme Council that member is found guilty of  infamous conduct in accordance to the existing laws of Malaysia or has been found  to act in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the Guild. 

5.1.5 By expulsion by the Guild acting in accordance with the procedures in the  Code of Ethics as may be prescribed by the Guild and binding on all the members. 

5.2 Provided however: 

5.2.1 Resignation shall not affect any liability to pay the subscription due and  payable as on the date of such resignation. 

5.2.2 The Supreme Council may in its absolute discretion restore such membership  upon being satisfied that there were good reasons for the subscription having fallen  into arrears, and a tender of all such arrears having been made. 

5.2.3 In the event of the member being restored to the Register he shall  5

automatically resume such membership subject to payment of all the subscriptions  due and payable. 

5.2.4 Any member who has been expelled may apply for restoration of membership.  Such application shall be considered at a Supreme Council meeting and shall be  decided upon by a two-third majority. 


6.1 Honorary members shall be exempted from any payment of annual membership  subscription. 

6.2 Life members shall pay a lump sum of RM2,000.00 which shall not be  refundable. 

6.2.1 Life members shall be exempted, for life, from any payment of membership  annual subscriptions. 

6.3 There shall be payable and due, by all the members of the Guild except the  Honorary members and Life members, an annual membership subscription fee as  specified below: 

6.3.1 An Ordinary member annual subscription fee shall be RM100.00 

6.3.2 A Corporate Community Pharmacy Member annual subscription fee shall be  RM1000.00 

6.3.3 An Associate Member’s annual subscription fee shall be RM50. 

6.3.4 Any class of member shall pay RM20.00 for the Entrance Fee. 

6.3.5 All the fees specified in sections 6.3.1, 6.3.2 and 6.3.3 above shall become  due and payable on the first day of January of each year without any notice from  the Guild and, shall become an un-discharged debt due to the Guild on the thirty first day of March of each year, and shall not be refundable under any  circumstances. 

6.4 Any applicant shall pay the full subscription fee for the first financial year if the  membership was approved between 1st January and 30th June. He or she shall  pay 50% subscription fee for the first financial year if the membership application  was approved between 1st July and 31st December. Subsequent annual  membership fees are as stipulated under various appropriate sub-sections in this  Constitution. This shall apply to Corporate Community Pharmacy Member. 


7.1 The Annual General Meeting 

The Annual General Meeting of the Guild shall be held before the end of June of  each year and on a date and at a time and place to be decided by the Supreme  Council. Notification of the Annual General Meeting by the Honorary Secretary shall  be forwarded to all the members of the Association at least three weeks in advance  on the date of the Annual General Meeting. 

7.2 Business of the Annual General Meeting: 

7.2.1 To confirm the Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting. 7.2.2 Matters arising. 

7.2.3 To receive the Annual Reports of the Supreme Council. 

7.2.4 To receive the Statement of Accounts duly audited. 

7.2.5 To amend the Constitution, Rules or Bye-Laws of the Guild. 7.2.6 To carry out the election of the Supreme Council Members. 7.2.7 To appoint two Auditors, where appropriate, once in two years. 

7.2.8 To discuss any other matters, notice of which shall be given to the Honorary  Secretary at least four weeks before the date of the Meeting. This notice shall be  sponsored by one member with voting rights and seconded by one other member  with voting rights. 

7.2.9 The quorum of an Annual General Meeting shall be twenty-five members. 

7.2.10 In the event of a lack of quorum on the date fixed for the Annual General  Meeting, the President shall postpone the Annual General Meeting to a date not  later than one month from that date. At the postponed Annual General Meeting the  members present shall constitute a quorum, but they shall not have the power to  amend the rules of the Association or to make decisions affecting the whole  membership. 

7.3 Extraordinary General Meeting 

The Supreme Council or a group of fifteen members with voting rights may request  to hold an Extraordinary General Meeting. Notice of an Extraordinary General  Meeting shall be forwarded to every member of the Guild at least four weeks before  such a meeting is held. The only business to be conducted at the Extraordinary  General Meeting shall be confined to matters on the Agenda and the quorum shall  be twenty-five members with voting rights. In the event of a lack of quorum, such an  Extraordinary General Meeting shall be considered cancelled. 

7.4 Emergency General Meeting 

The Supreme Council or a group of fifteen members with voting rights may request  to hold an Emergency General Meeting. Notice of an Emergency General Meeting  shall be forwarded to every member of the Guild at least two weeks before such a  meeting is held. The only business to be conducted at the Emergency General  Meeting shall be confined to matters on the Agenda and the quorum shall be twenty five members with voting rights. In the event of a lack of quorum, such an  Emergency General Meeting shall be considered cancelled. 

7.5 Minutes 

The Honorary Secretary shall prepare the Minutes of all the General Meetings,  which shall be verified by the Supreme Council, and then send to all the members  within forty-five days of the Meeting. Any disagreement to the correctness and  accuracy of the Minutes shall be forwarded, in writing, to the Honorary Secretary  within thirty days of the receipt of the Minutes. 


8.1 Supreme Council 

8.1.1 The Supreme Council shall consist of nine Ordinary members elected at the  Annual General Meeting by means of e-voting or any other form of electronic  technology and shall each hold office for 2 years. Any retiring Supreme Council  member shall be eligible for re-election.  

8.1.2 “Election at an Annual General Meeting by means of e-voting” means that the  e-voting form shall be delivered to every voting members electronically at least 1  month before the date of an Annual General Meeting prior to counting of the vote at  an Annual General Meeting. 

8.1.3 Any votes registered outside the announced voting times will not be counted  and MCPG will not accept any responsibility whatsoever for any technical failure or  malfunction or any other problem with any online system, server, provider or  otherwise which may result in any vote being lost or not properly registered or  recorded.  

8.1.4 The Supreme Council shall comprise the following: 

(a) One President. 

(b) One Deputy President. 

(c) One Honorary Secretary. 

(d) One Honorary Treasurer. 

(e) One Assistant Honorary Secretary. 

(f) One Assistant Honorary Treasurer. 

(g) Three Supreme Council Members. 

(h) Branch Chairmen representing their respective Branches. 

8.1.5 All the offices, mentioned in sub-section 8.1.4 above, except Branch  Chairmen, shall be elected directly by all the voting members during the Annual  General Meeting of the Guild. 

8.1.6 All the members of the Supreme Council and every officer performing  executive functions in the Guild shall be Malaysian citizens. 

8.1.7 Regardless of the number of representatives from a community pharmacy  company, only one position or post in the Guild’s Supreme Council may be  occupied by its representative(s). Either the registered pharmacist or the pharmacy  owner (section 4.4.1) or the Chief Executive Officer (section 4.4.2) may be voted into the Supreme Council, during any term of office. 

8.1.8 A President shall not serve for more than three terms consecutively. 

8.2 Duties of the Supreme Council 

8.2.1 The Supreme Council shall organize and supervise the day-to-day activities of  the Guild and to make decisions on matters affecting the running within the  Objectives of the Guild or the general policy decided by the General Meeting. The  Supreme Council may not act contrary to the Constitution or the expressed wishes  of the General Meeting without prior reference to it and shall always remain  subordinate to the General Meeting. It shall furnish a report to each Annual General  Meeting on its activities during the fiscal year. 

8.2.2 The Supreme Council shall meet, at least, once every three months. The  President or in his absence, not less than five Supreme Council members  collectively may call for a meeting of the Supreme Council to be held at any time. At  least one half of the Supreme Council members must be present for its proceedings  to be valid and to constitute a quorum. 

8.2.3 Where any urgent matter requiring the approval of the Supreme Council  arises and it is not possible to convene a meeting, the Honorary Secretary may  obtain such approval by means of a circular letter, either send by post or by email.  The following conditions must be fulfilled before a decision on the Supreme Council  is deemed to have been obtained: 

(a) The issue must be clearly set out in the circular and forwarded to all the  members of the Supreme Council. 

(b) At least 50 percents of the Supreme Council members must indicate whether  they are in favour of or against the approval. 

(c) The decision must be by a majority vote. 

8.2.4 Any decision obtained by circular letter shall be reported by the Honorary  Secretary to the next Supreme Council Meeting and recorded in the minutes thereof. 

8.2.5 Any member of the Supreme Council who fails to attend three consecutive  meetings of the Supreme Council, without satisfactory explanation, shall be deemed  to have resigned from the Supreme Council. 

8.3 Powers of the Supreme Council 

8.3.1 To lay down the policy of the Guild. 

8.3.2 To disburse such funds as are approved and are deemed necessary for the  functioning of the Guild. 

8.3.3 To exercise such other powers and discharge such other duties as the  Articles, Rules and Bye-Laws of the Guild may for the time being provided. 

8.3.4 To call for Extraordinary General Meetings. 

8.3.5 To approve Application of Memberships. 

8.3.6 To accept resignation and fill vacancies of the Guild. 

8.3.7 To manage the financial affairs of the Guild and to authorize expenditure  incurred. 

8.3.8 To appoint sub-committees. All properties and proceedings of the sub committees shall remain the properties of the Guild. 

8.3.9 To act generally on the behalf of the Guild in all the matters wherein the  Articles, Rules and By-Laws do not exactly or otherwise provide. 

8.3.10 To make Rules, and Bye-Laws of the Guild consistent with the Constitution,  with the approval by a resolution of the General Meeting and subject to approval of  the Registrar of Societies. 

8.3.11 To encourage and sustain interests in the Objectives of the Guild. 

8.3.12 To nominate Representatives to Statutory Board and other bodies to further  the Objectives of the Guild. 

8.3.13 To co-opt an Ordinary Member as a Co-opted Supreme Council Member  whenever there is a vacancy. 

8.3.14 The Supreme Council shall have the power to accept resignation of any  Supreme Council member and to fill any vacancy arising thereof. 


9.1 President 

The President shall, during his term of office, preside all general meetings and all  the meetings of the Supreme Council, and he shall be responsible for the proper  conduct of all such meetings. He shall have the casting vote and shall sign the  minutes of each meeting whenever they are approved. He shall, with the Honorary  Treasurer, approve payment whether by cheque or e-banking on behalf of the Guild. 

9.2 Deputy President 

He shall deputise for the President during the later’s absence. President can assign  specific roles and duties to the Deputy President. He shall assist the President fully  for proper functioning of the Guild. 

9.3 Honorary Secretary 

The Honorary Secretary shall conduct the business of the Guild in accordance with  its Constitution and Rules, and shall carry out the instructions of the General  Meeting and of the Supreme Council. He shall be responsible for conducting all  correspondence and keeping all books, registers, documents and papers except  accounts and financial records. He shall attend all the meetings and record the  proceedings. He shall, with the Honorary Treasurer, approve payment whether by  cheque or e-banking on behalf of the Guild. He shall keep a Register of all the  members of the Guild, and another Register for all the Corporate Community  Pharmacy Members, and any other required registers as the Supreme Council may  decide. 

9.4 Honorary Treasurer 

The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible for the finance of the Guild. He shall  keep accounts of all the financial transactions and shall be responsible for their  correctness. He shall, together with either the President or the Honorary Secretary,  approve payment whether by cheque or e-banking and financial documents on  behalf of the Guild. 

9.5 Assistant Honorary Secretary 

The Assistant Honorary Secretary shall assist the Honorary Secretary and in the  absence of the Honorary Secretary, shall assume the powers and duties of the  Honorary Secretary. 

9.6 Assistant Honorary Treasurer 

The Assistant Honorary Treasurer shall assist the Honorary Treasurer and in the  absence of the Honorary Treasurer, shall assume the powers and duties of the  Honorary Treasurer. 

9.7 Supreme Council Members 

All the Supreme Council Members shall actively participate in the administration of  the Supreme Council and shall whenever necessary to chair at least one of the  Committees. They shall be responsible for all resolutions and implem 


10.1 The Financial Year shall commence on the first day of January and terminate  on the thirty-first day of December of the same year. 

10.2 The Honorary Treasurer may hold a petty cash advance, not exceeding  Rm500.00 at any one time. All the monies in excess of this sum shall, within seven days of receipt, be deposited in a bank account opened and approved by the  Supreme Council. The bank account must be in the name of the Guild. 

10.3 No expenditure exceeding RM30,000.00 at any one time shall be incurred  without prior sanction of the Supreme Council, and no expenditure exceeding  RM100,000.00 at any one time shall be incurred without the prior sanction of a  General Meeting. 

10.3.1 Whenever sanctions of the members of Supreme Council is required, it shall  be signified by the members of the Supreme Council by way of email or any other  form of electronic technology or devices in accordance with Clause 8.2.3. 

10.4 As soon as possible after the end of each financial year, a statement of income  and expenditure and balance sheet for the year shall be prepared and audited by  the Auditors appointed under the relevant provision of the Constitution. The audited  accounts shall be submitted for the approval of the next Annual General Meeting,  and copies shall be made available at the registered address or place of meeting of  the Guild for the perusal of members. 


11.1 The General Meeting shall appoint two ordinary members, who are not the  office-bearers of the Association, to be the Auditors. They shall hold office for two  years and shall be eligible for re-appointment. 

11.2 The Auditors shall be required to audit the accounts of the Guild and to  prepare a report or certificate for the Annual General Meeting. They may also be  requested, by the President, to audit the accounts of the Guild for any period within  their tenure of office at any date and to make the report to the Supreme Council. 


12.1 Three officers who must be office-bearers and over 21 years of age shall be  appointed biennially at the annual general meeting for the purpose of Section 9(b)  of the Association Act, 1996. 

12.2 They shall hold office for two (2) years and shall be eligible for re-election. 

12.3 The officers appointed under this rule shall deal with the immovable property of  the Guild in such manner as the general meeting may direct provided that all  immovable properties shall be registered in the name of the Guild. 

12.4 The officers shall not sell, mortgage, charge, lease, withdraw or transfer any  property of the Guild without the consent and authority of a general meeting. 

12.5 An officer may be removed from office by a general meeting on the ground  that, owing to ill health, unsoundness of mind, absence from the country or for any other reason, he/she is unable to perform his/her duties or unable to do so  satisfactorily. In the event of the death, resignation or removal of an officer before  the annual general meeting, the Supreme Council shall have the power to co-opt  any other member of the Guild to fill the vacancy until the next general meeting. 


13.1 The Guild may be voluntarily dissolved by a resolution passed by not less than  three-fifths of the total membership with voting rights. 

13.2 In the event of the Guild being dissolved as provided, all debts and liabilities  legally incurred on its behalf shall be fully discharged, and the remaining funds shall  be disposed in such manner as may be decided upon by a General Meeting. 


14.1 Territory 

The territory of each Branch shall be the geographical boundaries of each State and  territory of Malaysia. However, two states can decide to form a Branch to be named  after the two states. 

14.2 Formation and Dissolution of Branches 

14.2.1 The Supreme Council may by a majority vote at a meeting approve the  formation of a Branch in any territory provided there are not less than 20 voting  members of the Guild, with the approval of the Registrar of Societies. 

14.2.2 The Supreme Council may dissolve a Branch: 

(a) If for a consecutive period of six months the number of Branch voting members  is below 10; or 

(b) If the Branch refuses to abide by the Rules of the Guild or decisions of the  Supreme Council or if it is in the opinion of the Supreme Council guilty of conduct  detrimental to the Guild. 

14.2.3 A decision to dissolve a Branch shall be by a majority vote at a meeting of  the Supreme Council. The affected Branch shall be given a 30 days written notice  to answer the allegations listed under 14.2.2(b) before any decision shall be made. 

14.2.4 The Dissolution Order shall be signed by the Honorary Secretary. On receipt  of such an order the Branch shall cease to function except for the purpose of  winding-up. Any Branch aggrieved by an order of dissolution may, within 30 days of  receiving the order, lodge an appeal to the Supreme Council for final  reconsideration. 

14.2.5 It shall be the responsibility of the Branch Chairman, Branch Secretary and Branch Treasurer to deliver to the Honorary Secretary all the books, records,  money, property and whatsoever that belong to the Guild, from the date of last  submission of accounts to the date of the Dissolution Order. 


15.1 A Branch Committee shall meet at least once every three months, and the  quorum shall be four members. 

15.2 The Branch Annual General Meeting shall be held before the central each year  Annual General Meeting. 

15.3 The Branch Secretary shall send Notice of the Branch Annual General Meeting  to each member, three weeks before the meeting. 

15.4 Nomination for the Branch Committee shall be on a prescribed form. The  consent of the nominee concerned shall be obtained. 

15.5 Nomination shall be open to all Life and Ordinary Members resident in the  territory of the Branch. 

15.6 The business of the Branch Annual General Meeting shall be: 

(a) To receive the Branch Treasurer’s report and the audited accounts of the  Branch for the previous year. 

(b) To elect a Branch Committee and to appoint a Branch auditor for the coming  year. 

(c) To deal with any matter that may be put before it. 

15.7 A Branch Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened: 

(a) on the instruction of the Supreme Council; or 

(b) whenever the Branch Committee deems it desirable; or 

(c) at the request in writing of at least ten members of the Branch, stating the  objective and reason for such meeting. 

15.8 A Branch Extraordinary General Meeting requisitioned by members shall take  place within 15 days from the receipt of such requisition. The Secretary shall  forward notice and agenda for an Extraordinary General Meeting to all members at  least 7 days before the date fixed for the meeting. 

15.9 The quorum for the Branch Annual General Meeting shall be not less than five  members. 

15.10 Each Branch Chairman shall represent the Branch in the Supreme Council by  virtue of Clause 8.1.3 (h). 


16.1 The Branch Committee shall be elected from Ordinary and Life members  resident in the territory of the Branch by postal ballot in the Annual General Meeting  of the Branch and shall take office immediately after the Annual General Meeting. 

16.2 The Branch Committee shall be composed of: 

(a) A Branch Chairman. 

(b) A Branch Vice-Chairman. 

(c) A Branch Honorary Secretary. 

(d) A Branch Honorary Treasurer. 

(e) Three Committee members. 

16.3 The duties of the Branch Committee Office Bearers shall be: 

(a) To prepare and submit the budget for the ensuing year at the first meeting of the  Supreme Council. 

(b) To manage the affairs of the Branch and arrange the professional, clinical,  scientific, and social meetings for the benefit of the members of the Branch. 

(c) To ensure the policy and decisions of the Supreme Council is carried out at the  Branch level, and to convey views of the Branch members to the Supreme Council. 

(d) To fill vacancies of the Branch Committee. 

(e) To prepare an Annual Report together with an audited Statement of Accounts  for the Annual General Meeting of the Guild, within two weeks of the Branch Annual  General Meeting. 

(f) To form sub-committees within the Branch. 


17.1 The duties and powers of the Branch Committee shall be: 

(a) Branch Chairman 

Branch Chairman shall preside all the Branch General meetings and all the  meetings of the Branch Committee and shall be responsible for the proper conduct  of all such meetings. He shall have the casting vote and shall sign the minutes of  each meeting at the time they are approved. He shall, with the Branch Treasurer,  approve payment whether by cheque or e-banking on the behalf of the Branch. 

(b) Branch Vice-Chairman 

He shall deputise for the Branch Chairman during the later’s absence. 

(c) Branch Secretary 

Branch Secretary shall conduct the business of the Branch in accordance with the  Constitution, Rules and Bye-Laws of the Guild, and he shall carry out the  instructions of the General Meeting and of the Supreme Council. He shall be  responsible for conducting and keeping all correspondence, documents, books  except the accounts and financial matters. He shall attend all meetings and record  the proceedings. 

(d) Branch Treasurer 

Branch Treasurer shall be responsible for the finance of the Branch. He shall keep  accounts of all financial transactions and shall be responsible for their correctness.  He shall, either with Branch Chairman or Branch Secretary, approve payment  whether by cheque or e-banking on behalf of the Branch. 


18.1 The financial year of each Branch shall begin on the first day of January and  ends on 31st December of each year. 

18.2 The Branch shall remit to the Honorary Treasurer of the Guild all the annual  subscriptions received from members in its territory, within 7 days of receipt of such  subscription. 

18.3 Each Branch shall be allocated such funds as may be determined by the  Supreme Council of the Guild. 

18.4 No expenditure exceeding RM15,000.00 at any one time shall be incurred  without prior sanction of the Branch Committee. 

18.5 Whenever sanctions of the Branch Committee is required, it shall be signified  by the Branch Committee by way of email, any other form of electronic technology  or devices in accordance with Clause 8.2.3. 




20.1 The Constitution may be amended by a resolution passed at an Annual  General Meeting and of which the appropriate notice has been given. 

20.2 Any amendment to the Constitution shall require to be passed by two-third  majority of members present. It shall not come into force without the approval of the  Registrar of Societies, Malaysia. 


21.1 Territory For Branch 

The territory of each Branch shall be as according to Clause 14.1, i.e.,”the  geographical boundaries of each State and territory of Malaysia. However, two  states can decide to form a Branch to be named after the two states”. 

21.2 Independent Community Pharmacy 

Independent Community Pharmacy shall be defined as “a company with five or less  pharmacy outlets”. 



Non applicable 

1. Flag  


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2. Symbol  


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3. Badge  


Description : 



The Guild may have affiliation with any similar professional bodies, subjected to the  17

prior approval of the Minister of Home Affairs if the affiliation is with a foreign  professional body. 


The Annual Report, the Balance Sheet and a full list of members shall be open for  inspection at the Annual General Meeting. Any member, at any subsequent  meeting, may ask to see these copies. 


The Supreme Council may decide to invite appropriate national leaders to be the  Patrons of the Guild for the furtherance of the Guild’s Objectives. 


The Guild shall have a common seal that shall be kept under key and lock in the  custody of the Honorary Secretary. The use of the common seal must be with the  approval of the Supreme Council and must be witnessed by two Principal Office  Bearers. The use must be recorded in a Register provided for the purpose.